Catching the INDIA bloc off guard, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Thursday announced candidates on three seats in Assam for the upcoming Lok Sabha election. Addressing a press conference, AAP MP Sandeep Pathak said talks were going on with the INDIA bloc for months without any breakthrough.
Pathak said it was important to give the candidates time before the election to campaign and reach out to voters.
“Talks with the INDIA alliance have been going on for months. We are growing tired of merely talking now. We have to contest the elections and win them too. We don’t have time,” ANI quoted Pathak as saying.
“We stand with the INDIA alliance and hope that the alliance allots these three seats announced today to the AAP… When you come into an alliance and your target is to win the election, time and strategy are paramount. We have become tired of talking. How much more time will be wasted in talking?” the AAP MP further said.
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