New Delhi: The Trinamool Congress (TMC), the ruling party in West Bengal, has announced its candidates for all the 42 parliamentary seats in the state for the upcoming 2024 general elections. One of the most interesting contests is in the Bishnupur constituency, where the TMC has pitted Sujata Mondal against her former husband and the incumbent BJP MP, Saumitra Khan. The couple, who once campaigned together, are now bitter rivals in the political arena.
How Couple Drifted Apart
Saumitra Khan and Sujata Mondal were married for several years, but their relationship soured due to ideological differences. According to sources, they had disagreements over political issues, which led to personal conflicts. Eventually, they decided to part ways and live separately. Their divorce was finalized in 2020, after which Sujata Mondal joined the TMC, leaving behind her husband and his party, the BJP.
The Battle For Bishnupur
The BJP has re-nominated Saumitra Khan as its candidate from Bishnupur, a seat that he won in 2019 with a comfortable margin. However, he will face a tough challenge from his ex-wife, who has been given the ticket by the TMC. In the 2019 elections, Sujata Mondal had supported her husband and canvassed for him door to door. But now, she will be seeking votes for herself and trying to defeat him. The irony is that the two will be campaigning against each other on the same turf.
Sujata Mondal’s Rise In TMC
Sujata Mondal, who was known as Saumitra Khan’s wife in politics, has carved a niche for herself in the TMC. She joined the party in 2020 and was soon given a ticket to contest the assembly elections from Arambagh. She lost the election, but not before accusing the BJP workers of attacking her with bricks and stones. She also courted controversy by making a derogatory remark about the scheduled caste community.
Despite these setbacks, she rose in the ranks of the TMC and became the chief executive of the Bankura district council. She has now been entrusted with the responsibility of taking on her former husband in the Lok Sabha elections.
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