West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today announced the names of 42 candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections. With the declaration of the TMC candidates on all 42 seats in Bengal, the party has signalled to go solo in the polls. Despite the efforts by the Congress-led INDIA bloc, Mamata Banerjee cornered the idea of any alliance. The party has also pitched former cricketer Yusuf Pathan from the Berhampore constituency while it has dropped Nusrat Jahan and Mimi Chakraborty. Below is the full list of TMC candidates:
Coochebehar – Jagdish Chandra Basunia
Alipurduar – Praksh Sikh Baraik
Jalpaiguri – Nirmal Chandra Rai
Darjeeling – Gopal Lama
Raiganj- Krishna Kalyani
Balurghat – Biplob Mitra
Malda Uttor – Prasoon Bannerjee(ex- Ips)
Malda Dakshin – Sahnawaz Ali Rehaan
Jangipur- Khalilur Rahman
Berhampore- Yusuf Pathan
Murshidabad – Abu Taher Khan
Krishnagar- Mohua Moitra
Ranaghat – Mukut Mani Adhikari
Bonga – Bishwajeet Das
Barrackpore –Partha Bhowmik
Dum Dum – Prof Sougata Roy
Barasat – Doctor Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar
Bashirhat – Hazi Nurul Islam
Jaynagar- Pratima Mandal
Mathurapur –Bapi Haldar
Diamond Harbour – Abhishek Bannerjee
Jadavpur- Sayoni Ghosh
Koljkata Dakshin –Mala Roy
Kolkata Uttor – Sudip Bannerjee
Howrah – Prasun Bannerjee(ex Footballer)
Uluberia- Sajda Ahmed
Sreerampore- Kaliyan Bannerjee
Hoogly – Rachana Bannerjee
Arambagh- Mitali Bagh
Tamluk – Debangshu Bhattacharya
Kanthi – Uttam Barik
Ghatal- Deepak Adhikari (Dev)
Jhargram – Kalipodo Soren
Mednipur- June Maila
Purulia – Shantiram Mahato
Bankura – Arup Chakraborty
Burdwan Purba- Doctor Sharmila Sarkar
Burdwan Durgapur- Kirti Azad
Asansol- Shatrughan Sinha
Bolpul- Asit Kumar Mal
Birbhum – Shatabdi Roy
Bishnupur- Sujata Mandal Kha
While Mimi had resigned from the TMC and opted out of politics, Nusrat Jahan probably got dropped due to her remarks on Sandeshkhali violence. Jahan had said that what is wrong must be condemned while adding that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee was doing everything possible to resolve the issue.
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