In a late-night action, the Gujarat police and the district administration conducted the demolition of an illegal Dargah and two temples yesterday. The previous attempt to demolish the illegal dargah had led to a violent clash between police and people from a particular community last year. The Dargah had encroached upon land near Majwadi Gate in Junagadh, Gujarat.
The demolition operation, commencing at approximately 2 am, concluded by 5 am. The administration put up barricades around the Dargah at a distance of 300-400 metres away guarded by about 1,000 police personnel, said reports.
Over the past two decades, the Dargah, initially constructed near Majwadi Gate, has expanded steadily in size. Prior attempts to dismantle the structure, illegally occupying the middle of the road, had been made. In June of the previous year, a police team had encountered resistance from locals, resulting in injuries to several officers.
Following the Dargah’s demolition, the authorities heightened security measures in the town to prevent any potential disturbances. Additionally, two unauthorized temples situated in different locations in Junagadh were also dismantled.
In June of the previous year, a police team arrived to initiate action at the location. However, faced with protests from the local community, they were compelled to retreat. Amidst the turmoil, the mob vandalized the police post and set several vehicles ablaze. As the police attempted to disperse the gathered crowd, protesters responded by hurling stones, resulting in injuries to a Deputy SP and three policemen during the stone pelting.
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